Hasnain’s Tasks


High Priority
Lower Priority
  1. add social icons on pages and Speaker CPT (already added to speaker tape template) code below: - Medium - Not Started
  2. change copyright from “2017” to 2014-(current year). - Low - Not Started
  3. Look at pages across devices and see if there are opportunities to decrease white space - Medium - Not Started
  4. Got the view loop ads working 🙂 - Medium - Not Started
  5. Please make the link on this page blue or obvious - Medium - Not Started
  6. Can you get this to display the list items in columns and get the sidebar working – staging site - Medium - Not Started
  7. How to get this ad to display nicely within list? - Medium - Not Started
  8. Speaker Tapes page – remove excessive white space - Medium - Not Started
  9. Comments form – remove Email and URL fields. - Medium - Not Started
  10. Please add this code under speaker tape post tags - Medium - Not Started
  11. Switched from http to https – SEO effects? Possibly research this? - Medium - Not Started
  12. Idea – add advertising code into the search loop for every 7 results - Uncategorized - Not Started
  13. Idea – add advertising code into the loop for every 10 results in Toolset views - Uncategorized - Not Started
  14. Idea – Add links to 3 “related posts” instead of the “popular pages” links - Uncategorized - Not Started
  15. please add you own version of “kungfu” to your edits please (so i can see/figure out what you did). is ok? - Uncategorized - Not Started
  16. show only 10 most recent comments on any page/post - Uncategorized - Not Started
  17. Remove all unnecessary CSS from stylesheets - Uncategorized - Not Started
  18. IPhone/Safari metrics suggest much lower user experience, pls test. - Uncategorized - Not Started
  19. donate box code fyi - Uncategorized -
  20. change search results to smaller font both desktop and mobile (16px works well on desktop) - Uncategorized - Not Started
  21. add single.php, post-data.php, and comments-template into child theme? - Uncategorized - Not Started
  22. I commented out the following in single.php in responsive core - Uncategorized - Not Started
  23. Simple lightweight math plugin was not working on mobile, switched to WP Bruiser and it seems ok. - Uncategorized - Not Started
  24. remove the date function on mobile homepage - Uncategorized - Not Started
  25. bring back donate box on desktop view homepage - Uncategorized - Not Started