In Progress
- Show full title length on tape screens, along with speaker name, tags rating and # of votes (is sometimes truncating with “…” - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Can a “Swipe” action be used to navigate forward and back (below) - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Written Title on Home Screen “6000+ AA Speakers and Tapes” - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Is there a limit on how many list items that can be displayed on a screen? (below…) - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Provide an easy way to navigate to the home screen without hitting the “Back” icon? - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Huge white space on tape screen (below)… - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Have same 4 bottom items on all tape screens (a tape within “Favorites” list only shows the “Favorites” icon on bottom). - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Make the round volume and time sliders more visually distinct (is white on white, hard to see) - Uncategorized - In Progress
- List item display, displaying ratings and # of votes - Uncategorized - In Progress
- When does trial end – 5 listens, or 5 downloads? - Uncategorized - In Progress
- If a user deletes a downloaded file, does that reduce the number that counts toward their 5 free? - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Downloading a “favorite” immediately when selecting them as a “favorite”, or just place it in the Favorites list, allow users to download later? - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Search terms and listing results? - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Larger Font Size (while maintaining readability)? - Uncategorized - In Progress
- Larger Audio Buttons (Play/Pause)? - Uncategorized - Complete
- Alanon Icon on home page pointing to different list of tapes (just a placeholder name?) - Uncategorized - Complete