Non Construction Item: Non-Construction
goto cctv place
install kitchen tv after 2nd coat of paint
inventory sheets and towles
Skin and General practicioner Doctors for dad
itch cream
Paint my dropcloths
Pick up phone
buy new AC’s
Buy new Bathmats for all showers
take pics of house for exterior paint
rimping shopping list
Buy dropcloths and masking tape
front room – 8x4m
hallway – 8×2
dining 6 x 4
kitchen entry
3 x 3
several… Read the rest
buy compressor
pay somsak, withdraw cash
Bothavorn – 4 watt eve lights.
Visa status
am i doing work visa on return?… Read the rest
delay sofa delivery
pay Nay
pick up bike
TV boxes from alec
Compressor setup
john- new coffee maker
John – Order Beds and Toppers
John – Pick up one more flat LED and more ceiling lights.
Hire security for when I’m gone
pick up spare tiles from shop
Hire house security
10 may furniture delivery
Small table next to recliner for dad
Needs to be found, ordered, and delivered by may 18.… Read the rest